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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thoughts for the Moment

Midterms are OVER! Praise the Lord. Its a new semester, a new year, and a new age. I'm 17, finally. I was thinking about this the other day; that all the Disney princesses I looked up to my entire life are always 16, and I don't want to be older than them! Just a thought...not overly devistating. My favorite princess was always Aurora :) But then I also can't sing "I Am Sixteen" from the Sound of Music without lying!
...Again, not that pressing....

But with the age of 17 also comes certain, well, needs; I applied for like 3 different jobs today, just running around the mall with my cousin. I want to be able to drive soon, in which case I'll need money. If God permits I can start working soon, then I can actually do stuff and go places this summer. Looking outside and seeing the melting snow and the sunshine starting to peek through makes my heart long for spring...but enough rambling.

Recently certain things have been on my heart. I've been thinking lately, and I believe I have gotten to a point where I honestly can't think of anyone else I love more than Jesus. And when I doubt that, my heart just goes to the cross, and I think of his love, sacrifice, grace and mercy and I realize... How could I love anything more than this man? How could anyone who is truly born again?
Emily also pointed out something to me... she said, "I would rather be hated on this earth, known as a Christian, than be loved on this earth, then getting to heaven and have God not know me." and its so true. Because when I die, and I see my Father for the first time, if he says, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Any suffering I've ever had on this earth will be so beyond worth it. There are times, and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, where I just don't feel worthy. The things I think, say, don't bring glory to God, more than they do. There's this song though, that they play on Christian stations though. I love this band. Skillet...they sing a song called Forgiven. It amazing...take a listen if you haven't heard it. This song reminds me of two wonderful truths: there is nothing so bad you can do to make God love you any less. He will forgive you anytime, anywhere, without hesitation. The other is that, when God looks at us, and Jesus is in our hearts, he looks at us through his son and we are holy and blameless. For this, I am eternally grateful. No words can express my gratitude.

Well, that's pretty much all for now. If you have any thoughts on what I've said, comment, or if you have prayer requests. God's good! Byes:)